
Arya's pov

We are standing at the outside entrance of Verma mansion. Yes, it's a freaking mansion, Diya and Anirudh's families are freaking rich, they are billionaires. They even had a high level of security, there are guard's at every corner outside the mansion.

Diya handover her car keys to the guard standing near the entrance then turned to me and signeled me to follow her. Me being a lost puppy, just followed her inside. Reaching the main entrance, Diya nodded at the guard who is standing there and he returned it, then he looked at me with a 'who is this unknown creature' face, I just give him a little smile as Diya said " she is my new friend, Ben. Don't scare her with your scary eyes" he nodded and opened the door for us.

Diya hold my hand and blinked her eyes, silently saying that she is here with me, i just smile at her . Which is a fake one . Because I am hell nervous, Iam not a girl who interact with people, I love to be in my own space, I am not like this before but after that incident everything changed for me.

Back then I was a carefree girl,who loves to interact with new people, who loves to make friends and loves to talk more, it was all good until a incident happened and it changed my life completely, i became distinct from my own family, i stopped meeting people, I stopped talking more , i stopped making friends, even i stopped going out. I started to stay in my room more, reading books that's it.

All this done by the people , whom I trusted a lot after my family. It hurts when you got wounded by the people who we think is our friends and family. They betrayed and wounded me not because I was chubby, silent girl it's because I was a dumb girl who fell into their trap so easily. That's the reason I hesitated when Diya and Anirudh asked me to be their friend. Because I was afraid to end up like that again.

I came out of my thoughts as Diya squeezed my hand hard making me yelp in pain" ahh, Diya what the hell?" I yelled at her . She looked at me with concern and questioned"I was calling you from the past 5 minutes, where are you lost?" Looking at her concern for me , i felt bad for yelling at her but the little girl inside me felt happy.

Thinking that there are some who are concerned and worried about me.

But all this feels surreal when your own family never did it for you. At first they got suspicious regarding my behaviour but thinking that I was like this, they stopped worrying about me because apparently I am the eldest daughter,who can get her shit together without anyone help.

" No where" i replied with a little smile "you sure?" She again questioned, this time I nodded with assurance and we entered inside the mansion .

A gasp left my mouth as I saw the interior of the mansion, damn. It's beautiful. The whole living room is in white with sky blue pattern. I saw many people sitting on the couch and chatting. "looks like a big family" i thought , Seeing us coming inside anirudh came running to us and asked " itna der kon karta hai yaar, i thought you are not coming!"

" Pehle hug to karle baad me puch lena jo bhi puch na hai " Diya said and he hugged us and i looked around and my vision went to the creatures who are looking at us curiously but suddenly my eyes collided with a pair of ice blue eyes. Which looked familiar.

Did he know me?

Where did I saw him?

And then I realised that he is the same guy who helped me that day. I didn't thanked him , as he was talking on a call but I thanked his friends that day. Breaking the hug Anirudh looked at me and smiled, feeling happy to introduce me to his family,holding my hand he took me to his family.

I am astonished that Anirudh's touch never make me feel uncomfortable . The day we become friends Anirudh hugged me and it felt a comfortable brotherly hug and again now I felt the same brotherly hug. Growing up with out a elder brother or sister, i always craved the love of elder brother, yes I have a younger sister and brother but having an elder brother feels different .

Anirudh hug makes me feel secure and comfortable. After that incident this is the first time, someone's touch is making me comfortable.

That too a men's touch .

"Arya, meeting my family" Anirudh said with a big smile and i smiled at his family in gesture.

I joined my hand together and i greeted them" Namaste " , they said something which I didn't understand. I know Hindi well, but sometimes I couldn't understand some words. I not touching their feet because in our tradition children greets elders by saying namaste not by touching feet.

{ At this point any one of you felt bad ,then iam sorry because in my home town we don't touch the feet of elders we just greet them by saying namaste, thankyou}

" Arey beta, why are you standing. Come and sit." Anirudh's dadi said and my both bestfriend's dragged me to the nearest couch and made me sit between them. She looked familiar to me.

Kaha dekha maine unko?

Why does Anirudh's dadi feels familiar to me?

This is the first time I am meeting her, right?

I came out of my thoughts as i hear someone voice "So, beta you came here to study MBBS?" Anirudh's father asked me.

" Yes uncle, i got seat here in AIIMS." he nodded.

" Lier! " my subconscious said,

"What?" I questioned back,

" MBBS padhne aaye ho, ya apni nightmares se bhag ke" it said and i became silent.

Somewhere it was right.

" don't think that I am interrogating you or something, okay?" Uncle said and I just nodded my head as both anirudh and Diya squeezed my either hands. And uncle started his questions

"What does your father do?" uncle asked

" He has a textile business" i answered, uncle nodded,

" About mother?"

" A House wife." he nodded,

" Do you have any siblings?"

" Yes, uncle, a sister and brother both are younger than me" he again nodded,

" And What are they studing?"

" My sister is in her 11th grade and my brother is in 1st grade " i answered and Anirudh yelled in my ear

" 1st grade?" He asked being shocked,and i internally chuckled at his reaction, because that's the reaction i got from people wherever i revealed about the age gap i and Rishi have.

"Yes, i and my little brother Rishi has 12 years age gap . It's because my mother was facing some problems after my sister birth due to the c-section and then she conceived very late. At the time Rishi was born I was 12 years old and Avni was 9 years old. Not only that but my cousin kria and I had 13 years age gap and my another cousin Eyan and I has 16 years age gap." i started to blabbering about the age gap i have with my brother's and sisters. Sometimes it feels so good to have a brother and sister who is decade smaller than you. At the same time it feels so hard, and annoying.

I stopped my blabbering abarently as i felt the living room silent and looked at everyone . God! They are looking at me,With amused expression and a little smile on their faces. I immediately looked down being embarrassed.

Shit!! Idiot. I internally screamed at my self. But got shocked , After a longtime i talked so freely without being uncomfortable. This family is making me comfortable, I nodded my head internally .

They are really something.

" Wow! I thought you are younger one in your family." anirudh exclaimed breaking the uncomfortable silence, i shook my head in negative and said "no ,iam not the younger one,iam the first born of my parents. But yes I have cousin's who are older than me." i completed and they nodded.

" Arey bus karo , tum sab kitne sawal puchte ho, bichari Darr gayi ho go." dadi exclaimed and then she came near to couch and looked at anirudh and Diya and said "tum dono, hato yaha se Hume baat karni hai Arya se." they both nodded and stood up and sat on other couch. Dadi sat beside me and hold my hand in hers and asked

" By any chance ,వర్ధన్ జీ మీకు తెలుసా ?" she asked me in Telugu which shocked me, who does she know my dadu?. i nodded my head and said "yes,he is my grandfather!" listening to my answer her eyes sparkled and she exclaimed " I knew it ,God iam so happy" dadi stood up and started to danced but stopped abarently and again sat beside me and asked

" So, where is he now? Is he fine?" Listening to her question my face paled and i shook my head in negative. Dadi gasped, and didn't bother to me ask any questions as she understands my pain and what happened.

My grand father's death was one of the reason why I choose to become a doctor .

After my conversation with dadi elders left to prepare for dinner and now I am sitting with the younger clan . iam feeling some ones eyes on me from the moment the elders left and i think i know who is it . I was about to look at him but Diya's brother asked me while grinning "do you remember me? I helped you that day ?"

" Yeah I do." i replied to him honestly

" Then you remember him too." he said pointing to the direction I was about to look at and then I looked at him and said " yes , I remember. and thank you for helping me --"

"Avyansh" he interpret as i stopped not knowing his name"Avyansh thanks you"

" Don't mention" Avyansh said with a tiny smile. He was about to say something but a woman came and said that dinner is ready. So we left for dinner.

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