
4 years ago.........

Avyansh - 23

Arya - 18

                Arya's pov

It was my first day as a medical student. The feeling of being a medical student is euphoric i can't express it in words. My last class was just completed and now I am sitting in a canteen near by the campus eating my favorite Maggie.

While I was enjoying my Maggie a girl came and stood in front of me .I looked up at her with no emotion on my face and she smiled at me. I swear that was the ugliest smile I have ever seen. Suddenly she took my phone and then ran away.

What the hell? How dare she?

I immediately ran after her but she was faster than me. While searching for her i bumped into a wall. Wait! Wall?? where did the wall come from? That too in the middle of a walking path? Thinking about all these i looked up only to left speechless . It was not a wall but a well built chest of a handsome man. I think he is in his starting 20s .  He has ice blue eyes, well shaped jaw with light beard, pointed nose and black hair . He has both American and Indian features. God! He is a perfect mixture of American and Indian.

And don't ask me how do I know that he has American features.8 just know about it because my bua also married and American.

Someone cleared their throat and I came out of my handsome man's world.

Shit!! What the hell was I even thinking ?

I moved back as I was standing in his personal space and i noticed there are 2 more people standing on either side of him. I just smiled at them being embarrassed. My cheeks turned red due embarassment.

" Are you okay?" The handsome man asked me I just nodded my head not finding any words as my brain stop it's functing.

That's me, my brain stops functioning on meeting new people for the first time.

" Why were you running? " The man who is  right to him asked me and there it clicked . my phone. I looked at them gathering some courage, i asked them " can you guys please help me?"

Sensing my worry they nodded their heads and the left side standing man asked me " did something happen to you, ?"

" No, —i mean yes . a girl came to me and smiled then, she took my phone and ran away" i said to him while fumbling on my words and they looked at each other and asked

" Did you see, where did she go?" I nodded my head and showed them the right curve she took before disappearing. And after a 30 minutes my phone is back in my hands. I said thanked them and they left from there.

I went to the canteen to take my bag but it was not there, I frowned " This is where I kept my bag, where did it go? " I thought and stared looking for it.

" Are you looking for this?" some one asked from behind and i turned back and looked at him only to find him holding my bag. Anger stared to bubble inside me first that girl took my phone and now him.

every one is having fun in annoying me.

" Give me my bag ." I asked him in a flat tone in return he just smirked at me and said

" Take it" saying that he throws my bag to a girl. I looked at her only to get shocked, she is the same girl who just robbed my phone.  Chor. "You? What the hell are you doing here? And give me my bag." I said to her. In return she throws my bag to another girl. Now my anger is reaching it's peak.

And I said

" see, don't test my patience and give me my bag back or else the consequences will be worst" she looked at me from up to down .

what is she doing?  And said

" What will you do? " She asked me in a challenging tone . I internally smirked and i took my phone out  and stared recording

" Look, these three are threatening, they even took my bag and are playing with it. I am a new student here and they are bullying me!" I fake cried and they widened their eyes looking at my act.and the boy screamed

" Delete the fucking video" and now it was my time to smirk

" No"

" I will give you your bag" the girl who is holding my bag said in hurry. I thought for some time and nodded. She throws my bag to my direction and I catched it. Finally . I smiled looking at my bad and was about to delete the video but the boy Said

" you will pay for it , very soon little girl and i will make sure of it." Saying that he went away with the girls. His words just angered me more, instead of the delete button I pressed the upload button Now the whole world will know about them. Especially about the bad things they do.

Listening to a clapping sound i turned back to see a boy and a girl looking at me with an amused expression. I raised my eyebrows at them and the boy said

" When we entered into the canteen we saw them bulling you. We were about to help you but....  then you just nailed it"  and the girl nodded agreeing to his words. I just passed a small smile to them. And asked"who are they? I am a new student so I don't know" i clarified my point .

" Two of them are graduated from our college and the other one is a business student. It's been 2 years since they graduated but they come here every day and bully the students , some times by troubling them , sometimes by taking their money " the girl said with pure hatred in her voice

" Are they from rich family? " I asked as I saw their clothes they looked branded. They both nodded and said

" Yes, the boy he is Rakshit Shergill a surgeon his father is CEO of a pharmacy company and the girl next to him is Riya Sethi she is also a graduated dentist and her father is business partners with Rakshit 's father and the last girl who give you your bag is ishika Chowdary her father is my father bestfriend and a business partner too " the boy completed and I made a O face.

And then suddenly the girl said

" Oh shit! We forgot to introduce our selves. Iam Diya sen and he is Anirudh Verma we both are studying first year MBBS and we are your class mates." She completed. 

Wait! They are my class mates. I think I should go from here.. i internally nodded my Head and they both forwarded their hands and i gladly accept it.

I was about to leave but Diya asked me a question which made me froze on my spot.


What do you think Diya ased her?


u for reading,loveyou 🌸🌸

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