
Author's pov

Diya's car stopped infront of Verma mansion, turning off the engine she looked at Arya who is fighting with her fingers as her anxiety is on its peak.

" I think I should go back. Please handle anirudh for me" Arya said while Diya gave a dissatisfied look and said

" Inta dur aagayi ho ,toh Darna kyu hai. Let's face it, together " Arya singhed listening to her and nodded her head .

They both came out of the car. Seeing the mansion infront of her Arya closed her eyes as nostalgia hitting her hard. It's been 4 years since she stepped in to this mansion. Diya hold Arya hand and squeezed it , silently saying that she is here with her. Which made Arya smile.

They both started to walk inside when they were about to reach the garden, Arya's phone rang making her stop in her track. She checked her phone and saw her mother flashing on the screen. She excused her self and went outside of the mansion. Coming to a lesser noise place Arya answered the call.

" Hello maa??"

" Why were you not answering my call?" Came her mother reply in a sharp tone.

"Nothing maa, Iam at my friend's birthday and my phone is on silent"

" Ohh, okay. i called to say that shiney's got fixed and she will get married soon." Her mother said

" What? " Arya uttered in shock hearing about her favourite akka marriage.

( Akka- sister)

" Yes, bacha and she want you here ASAP, and no excuses haa, you are graduated now and you are free" her mother said

" Maa, I have recently joined a hospital, I have work here but don't worry I will talk to the manager and will tell my decision soon." Arya said to her mother

" You know right , if you don't come in few days then you are in big trouble, now one is going to save you from her wrath." Arya gulped listening to her mother.

She knows her akka very well if she didn't attend the important day of her Akka's life. Her akka will kill her.

" Ok, I am coming but it will take time, as I need to talk to the management"

" Ok, go home safely and don't eat unhealthy food . Take care loveyou" her mother said

" Love you maa bye" saying that she ended the call. A smile appears on Arya's face thinking about her akka wedding. It's been 2 years since she went to her home town Ongole. She misses everyone, her family, sister's, brother and her childhood friends.

Thinking about her Akka's marriage Arya started walk back inside the mansion and her phone buzzed with a message.  She looked at the message and smiled seeing the person who texted her, it's her little brother but suddenly she bumped into something. And her phone fell down making Arya close her eyes .

Arya looked up at the person only to frose at her spot. She did not bumped into something but into someone's chest . Just like that day.

he was looking down at her with his ice blue eyes which softened a bit looking at her . Arya's heart stared beating fast as she looked at him. Why not, She bumped into the man whom she loved with all her heart . It's been 4 years since she saw his handsome face and those blue eyes which always makes her heart skip a beat.  Avyansh was looking at her with longing in his eyes but as the past flash in front of his eyes his expression changed and he clenched his jaw . He broke the eye contact with her and Moved back. Which made her feel bad. Arya eyes Started to moist but she controlled her self and muttering a small sorry and she went inside.

Avyansh looked at her disappearing figure and he also went inside.

Entering inside Arya saw Diya standing with her boyfriend karan and other Verma siblings. she went near them with a smile which is a fake one.

" Look Arya came...." Anirudh sang seeing her

All the siblings looked at her and their eyes softened and sparkled seeing her . Aayush, Rahul and Arush was the first one to hug her.

" God , it's been years Aaru" Rahul said which made her smile.

" Yes, years since you came here. " Aayush said with a hint of sad ness while hugging her ,Arya just smiled at them as they kissed her forehead one by one.

Then Ankush, karan and Harika hugged her one by one saying how much they missed her. Although they know reason behind her absence.

" How are you feeling now?" Arya asked Harika, with concern, Harika smiled at her and said " oh come,di. It's been 4 years since , i came out of coma and I am fit and fine, so don't ask that question again. Look I can fight too." She said which made Arya smile but still there was a hint of sad in her heart looking at the little girl who suffered because of her.

Sometimes looking at Harika it reminds Arya about herself.

It reminds her about how she suffered in her past.

It's reminds about all those things which broke her beyond repair.

Aayush looked at entrance and noticed Avyansh glancing at them with a smile. He knows his twin too well And knows how much he loves Arya.

Avyansh looked at Aayush and instantly looked away. Aayush felt a pang in his chest looking at his twin's behaviour.

It's been 4 years since Avyansh talked to his siblings. The only time He talked to them is when they asked him anything and he will just replied in just mono syllabus that's it. Aayush then glared at the girl who is holding his twin's arm now. Just her one glimpse made his blood boil.

Hell , she is the reason for their all misery. 

She is the reason they are suffering.

She is the reason Avyansh is not taking to his brother's and bestfriend's.

Aayush then looked at Arya from his shoulder to see her talking to karan. He knows If she see Avyansh with Ishika.

She will be heartbroken again.

Alice came and said to them and said in her American accent

" Ani, bacha come let's cut the cake"

Anirudh noded his head and left from there with his siblings.

After cutting cake everyone feed him except Arya. He thought to call her on stage but stopped himself as his whole family is standing beside him. He felt bad for her. he just looked at her and mouthing a sorry in return Arya gave him her chubby smile and mouthing it' okay.

After everyone left the stage .Dev took the Mike from the host

" Hello, ladies and gentlemen, good evening. thank you for attending the birthday party of my youngest son , I hope you all enjoyed well.and we have a big announcement for you. " He said with a smile

Everyone in the garden was Dev's bussines partners, avyansh's bussines partners and business friends. the Verma's has a smile on their face as they know about it already. Except for Verma siblings, Avyansh grandparents, Diya, arush and karan who clenched their jaw and fisted their hand's in anger.

On the other side Arya looked at them with frown not getting anything.

" Bhai, what happened? Why is your face looks angry?" She asked Aayush innocently. He looked at her with a pity look and said" bacha i think you should lea—-"

Before he could complete his sentence dev started and Aayush closed his eyes in anger

" As, you all know I and Pratap are bestfriend's and business partners at the same time,so we wanted to convert our friendship into a life time relationship" and Pratap countinue

" My daughter Ishika and his son Avyansh is getting married soon. As they are already engaged 4years ago we want them to get married soon."

Listening to it Arya went numb, it felt like some shoved a knife into her already wounded heart.heart broke into million pieces again the hope she had of getting him back shattered into pieces .

She didn't know that he was engaged for 4 years.

She looked at her bestfriend's asking them with her eyes if they know about it but in return she only got silence . There got her answer, "they know" Arya wishpered as tears gathered in her eyes .

Arya looked at Avyansh who is smiling and then at his hand which is holding ishika 's hand their hands interwind with eachother. She immediately looked away as the scene made her heart broke again. Arya wanted to cry her heart out but she can't do anything now. Everything is over now, he is engaged to someone now.

She knows he doesn't love her and now she is no one to him. Only if she knows

Arya turned back and stared to walk out side without anyone knowing but got stopped by Riya ishika 's bestfriend. Riya smile looking at her condition which is like a salt on her wounds.

" Ohh! My look who is crying!!" she exclaimed with a mocking smile and then she pushed Arya with such force that her head hit the back of the wall making her groan in pain and then Arya tried to walk from there but her leg got hit a nearby pot making her stumble on her steps and she fall on the ground . With a lots of difficulty Arya tried to stood up but fell again making her forehead hit the ground as she is unable to walk as her leg is sprained now. Due to hitting her forehead to the ground with such a force Arya losses her concious.

Riya immediately went from there smiling at Arya's condition, not finding Arya near her Diya turned and looked at the hall way only to widened her eyes looking at her bestfriend lying on the ground lifeless and she shouted

" ARYA!!!!!!!" And then ran to her in a hurry

Listening to Diya's scream everyone turned back and looked at Arya.

Verma siblings ran to her and Avyansh became statue on his place looking at her . His eyes turned moist looking at her body lifeless . Avyansh heart clenched looking at the blood on Arya's forehead. He wants to go to her but he can't.

He cannot go and take her in his arms, nor he can show his concern to her. Aayush looked at his brother and nodded his head assuring him that he will take care of her and then they took her to hospital as the blood flow is not stopping from her forehead . Everyone got the flashback of the incident that happened 4 years ago. 

And Avyansh's heart is pounding thinking about the worst .


Thankyou for reading,

So, the past is going to start from next chapter.

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